Press Release NDF.11/07
November 8, 2007
Northern MPs Commend Development Forum
The Northern Caucus in Parliament has commended the Northern Development Forum(NDF) for organising Northerners and friends of the North in raising over 250 million cedis (GH25,000) for victims of the floods that hit the northern part of Ghana recently.
This commendation was made by the Chairman of the Caucus, Hon. Albert Salia when a delegation of the NDF led by its Chairman, Dr. Hakeem Wemah called on the MPs at Parliament House yesterday to brief them on the activities and future plans of the Forum.
Hon. Salia informed the Forum that apart from their individual donation of relief items to the victims they, the MPS from the North, are contributing five million cedis each from their Common Fund in support of the Forum’s Relief programme.
He expressed the appreciation of the MPs to the delegation of the Forum for the bold and courageous initiative taken in setting up a Northern Relief Fund.
The Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Yakubu Malik stressed that Northerners need to look beyond partisan and selfish interest and work together for the development of the three northern regions and the country as a whole.
Other MPs also lauded the efforts of the Forum and advised it not to rest on its oars and hoped that the Forum will live up to expectation. They also promised to collaborate with the Forum to finding lasting solutions to the development of the North.
Mr. Adam Sulley, a representative of the Upper West Region and Chairman of the Finance and Fund Raising Committee of the Forum told the MPs that the Forum has so far donated 700 bags of maize, soap and other relief items to the three Northern Regions.
Dr. Wemah in thanking the MPs for having received him and his delegation made it clear that the Forum is non political, religious, and tribal. He expressed the appreciation of the Forum to the MPs for their initial donation of 100 million cedis and looked forward to more fruitful collaboration between the MPs and the Forum.
The meeting was attended by more than 25 MPs from the North. Other members of the Forum present included Dr. Adam Hafiz and Mrs. Sussana Mahama representatives of the Northern and Upper East Regions, respectively. The rest were Mr. Bennet Mahama, Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the Forum and Benedict Assorow.
The delegation of the NDF had earlier on paid a courtesy call on the Vice President of Ghana, Alhaji Aliu Mahama. He was briefed on the on the activities Forum. He turn thanked the delegation wished them well in their endeavours.(see photo attached).
Issued on behalf of the NDF by Benedict Assorow.
The Vice President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama ( third from Left) with the delegation(L to R) Mr. B. Assorow, Dr. Hakeem Wemah, Mrs. S. Mahama, Mr. Adam Sulley, and Dr. Adam Hafiz.
NDF, Chairman message to The Gurunies & Dagaaba
A message presented by the Chairman of the NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT FORUM(NDF) Dr. Hakeem Wemah to the GURUNIES AND DAGAABA during their FUN GAMES in Accra on Sunday, November 2, 2008.
Chairman of BONABOTO, The Chairman of the Dagaaba Association, Executive members of the two Ethnic groups, Invited Guests my dear sisters and brothers:
I wish on behalf of the Northern Development Forum(NDF) and in my own name, to congratulate you for the joint sports and cultural activities that have been promoted over the years by your esteemed associations in Accraand Tema.
Through these activities, I believe, personal differences are resolved and friendly relationships strengthened and comradeship built among the members of your two ethnic groups.
I have observed, with great delight, that through these games there has been an increase of inter-marriages which have further strengthened and maintained the already existing cordial relationship between the Gurunies and the Dagaaba. You must keep this up.
The value and importance of these cultural and social activities cannot be over-emphasised. They reduce hidden prejudices and help maintain the long existing solidarity between your two ethnic groups. May I therefore, suggest that you research into the history of your relation and pass it onto the younger generations .Indeed I would like to take this opportunity to call on historians,writers and playwriters of northern extraction to apply themselves and come up with credible histories of the various ethnic groups in northern Ghana.Our rich oral history and folklore can also provide ample material for fantastic plays and films to hit the electronic media.
On behalf of ,NDF I humbly call on the leaderships of the Kassenas, Gonjas and Sissalas as well as Moshies and Dagombas and indeed all other ethnic groups in the north who have this truly unique relationship to emulate the Gurunies and Dagaabas and initiate and or revive these games and other solidarity building activities which help to promote lasting peace and unity among our people.
My, Sisters and brothers, I do not need to tell you that ,developmentally , the three Northern Regions are in a very sorry state.It is therefore incumbent on all of us that we combine our efforts for our own development through peace and unity. We have to avoid acts that generate violence and disunity and rather unite to hasten the pace of integral development in our three regions- Unity in diversity.
I wish to commend BONABOTO and other ethnic groups and individuals who are putting their knowledge, skills and other resources at the disposal of our less fortunate brothers and sisters in order to improve their lot.
At this juncture ,kindly allow me to say a word about NDF. As you are all aware, the Northern Development Forum (NDF) was established on September 30 last year at the aftermath of the floods that devastated our part of the country. This heightened the need for us to advocate for the bridging of the development gap between the North and the South of Ghana.
I hasten to emphasis that the NDF is non-partisan, non religious and non-ethnic .It comprises of, and seeks to provide, a united advocacy platform for the people and friends of Northern Ghana.
NDF has the endorsement of the various leaderships of the North including, the Vice President of Ghana, His Excellency Alhaji Aliu Mahama; members of the Council of State and Members of Parliament from the three northern regions; and the traditional rulers through the various Regional Houses of Chiefs among others.
NDF is inviting and encouraging the various Associations, ethnic groups, youth groups, etc from the three northern regions not only to become active members but more importantly to support the work of the Forum. The main objective of the Forum is to play an advocacy role in order to change the sordid conditions under which the people of the three northern regions find themselves. We are of the conviction that no one can get people of Northern Ghana out of poverty without the commitment of the people themselves.
Time and again when the names of ethnic groups are mentioned inGhana, one of the terms used is northerners. It is an identity that conveys positive feelings and pride for those of us being so defined, but for some of those who do not hail from any of the three northern regions, it invariably attracts negative comments. The marginalization, and the deplorable conditions of people from the northern part of Ghanais the legacy of the past socio-political arrangement. Part of all this has also persisted due to our own omission or commission.
Dear Sisters and brothers, we need to unite as a people with a common objective. If we do not know where we are going we will never get there. In the same vein if we do not know what we want we will never get it. We have to find a lasting solution to the developmental challenges that confront our three regions. We have no choice in the matter.
The NDF meeting of September 30, 2007, most probably encouraged the Government to see the need to bridge the socio-economic and development gap between the north and the south. In the light of this the government in its 2008 Budget announced the establishment of a Northern Development Fund. A Bill on the establishment and operation of the Fund has therefore been presented to Parliament.
We have to do all within our means to lobby and sustain our advocacy efforts for parliament to pass the Northern Development Fund Bill before it goes on recess. The NDF will therefore like to take this opportunity to kindly appeal to all Parliamentarians to pass the Bill on the principle of equity and social justice without partisan considerations. What matters to us is the development of the three northern regions.
May the Almighty grant us all what it takes to achieve this goal. Once more, I congratulate you and best of wishes in your games and other endeavours and may the best team win.
Thank you.
Announcement: the next NDF meeting will take place on Sunday, November 23, 2008 at Christ the King Parish Hall,Accra.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla convallis egestas rhoncus. Donec facilisis fermentum sem, ac viverra ante luctus vel. Donec vel mauris quam. Aliquam pellentesque pellentesque turpis, ut bibendum sapien sollicitudin nec. Pellentesque posuere ornare placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque massa tortor, tristique non tristique at, luctus sed massa. Donec libero eros, mollis ac fringilla eu, vestibulum sed lorem. Aenean aliquet tempor purus, sit amet ultricies neque bibendum venenatis. Suspendisse pulvinar massa sed odio semper mattis. Pellentesque vel nunc arcu, id rhoncus magna. Maecenas quis tempus ligula. Nunc ac tortor diam. Phasellus tincidunt rutrum diam, eget elementum lorem sagittis eget.
Integer faucibus magna vitae augue suscipit a varius sem scelerisque. Nunc scelerisque tempus nunc in euismod. In sagittis congue sodales. Cras sit amet est nibh. Suspendisse eget ligula in nulla iaculis interdum nec a odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras massa odio, facilisis tincidunt blandit semper, lacinia semper dui. Donec viverra eros quis urna congue facilisis. Vivamus convallis imperdiet porta. Aliquam a nisi risus, vitae faucibus sem.
- Nullam scelerisque, mi sit amet elementum aliquet, nunc arcu pharetra
- nunc, at lacinia massa nibh a ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora
- torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed sodales convallis turpis quis varius.
- Praesent eleifend tempus felis vitae tincidunt.
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“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?”
1914 translation by H. Rackham
“But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?
The Numerous Conflicts In The Three Northern Regions Of Ghana
Press Release On The Numerous Conflicts In The Three Northern Regions Of Ghana
The Northern Development Forum (NDF) has observed with great concern and sadness the recent conflicts, violence and destruction of lives and properties that have engulfed a number of towns in the three Northern Regions of Ghana.
While extending our deep sympathy and condolences to all the families, communities, chiefs and opinion leaders and the victims of these conflicts we urgently call for all hostilities and violence to end forthwith. All well-meaning people from the three regions must find the moral courage and the spirit of tolerance to confront and overcome any form of violence. Too many people have died in these and past conflicts. The present level of ethnic conflicts that is consuming these communities has led to revenge killings and deepened internecine violence that is unacceptable in a country where the respect for the rule of law is supreme.
The escalation of violence has now persisted with unprecedented levels of killings and burning of property with impunity. We wish to remind all those causing these conflicts to reflect on the consequences of their actions. These conflicts are making it difficult if not impossible to build the minimum trust and confidence required to bring about integral development in the northern part of Ghana. Therefore, first and foremost, the killings and the burning of houses must stop and stop now! Nowhere has violence solved any problem.
We commend the Regional Coordinating Councils in the three regions and the Security Agencies for making all the necessary efforts to restore calm and order. We urge the Security Agencies to maintain their vigilance in the coordination of security and to sustain professionalism in the conduct of their duties. All those involved in these unacceptable acts should be dealt with according to the laws of Ghana without fear or favour.
The apparent return of calm must provide an opportunity for active engagement through dialogue with all the ethnic groups in the affected areas to build peace within the framework and context of the laws of Ghana and the respect for fundamental human rights.
We are making a passionate appeal particularly to all people from these three regions that Ghanaian traditions and values respect the sanctity of life. More importantly, the two great religions that form the majority of our community of faith and belief in God- Christianity and Islam- underscore the sacred value of human life.
We would like to remind the people of the three regions that we have no choice but to reconcile and build a high capacity of tolerance in order to co-exist peacefully. Such co-existence is the only way to bring about human development, peace and prosperity. The journey towards true and lasting peace and development must begin now. NDF is more than willing to offer its contribution in this regard.
We wish to reiterate our commitment to the promotion of peace, reconciliation and development in the three Northern regions. We are however, not oblivious of the fact that the obstacles in this journey will only be overcome with the support of all our brothers and sisters from the three regions. In the final analysis it is a decision and a choice between selfishness and charity with love, between justice and dishonesty and between good and evil.
May Peace return to the affected areas in the North and all other areas of the country where peace is lacking.
Dr. Hakeem Wemah, Mrs. Susan Mahama
Chairman, NDF Vice Chairperson & Rep. Upper East Region
Dr. Hafiz Adam Mr. Sulley Adam
Rep. Northern Region Rep. Upper West Region
Ben Assorow
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Maecenas vitae purus blandit lorem pulvinar sagittis. Ut sem libero, malesuada nec euismod non, tincidunt eu odio. Mauris bibendum leo ut nibh congue in iaculis dolor ultrices. Vestibulum ornare urna eu ligula scelerisque id semper dui dictum. Donec vulputate, nisl non fermentum tempor, sapien velit ultricies velit, ut lacinia neque magna ut felis. Fusce cursus malesuada mollis. Nullam tincidunt pellentesque tortor, eget consequat ligula suscipit quis. Fusce a lorem sit amet est suscipit ultrices sit amet sit amet urna. Sed ultrices luctus malesuada. Morbi nec neque non quam euismod tempus eu ac nibh. Ut auctor, purus mollis auctor aliquam, augue eros posuere lorem, a rutrum erat felis in enim. Etiam lacinia, arcu ac mattis mollis, nisi tellus feugiat elit, eu ornare arcu nunc ac sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras euismod dapibus ante in malesuada.
Fusce lobortis fringilla elit ac tempus. Suspendisse eros libero, venenatis ac tempor vel, laoreet et erat. Integer enim leo, feugiat in interdum sit amet, facilisis sit amet velit. Sed vitae interdum enim. Nulla id orci eu lorem gravida gravida quis at justo. Aliquam luctus faucibus tortor eget porta. Nulla libero magna, dictum id iaculis eu, hendrerit quis quam. Integer aliquet volutpat diam in vestibulum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur consequat tortor vel sapien gravida blandit. Proin eu nisi diam. Curabitur id dolor non risus viverra varius eget eget nisi. Fusce pulvinar gravida risus, sit amet tincidunt massa iaculis at.
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Sed a nibh sem, et interdum sapien. In tincidunt condimentum dapibus. Curabitur sit amet erat sem, gravida condimentum nisl. Aliquam commodo ipsum eget augue iaculis ultrices. Fusce tempor, tellus sit amet sodales scelerisque, metus orci imperdiet orci, at accumsan justo magna eget diam. Fusce dignissim hendrerit augue, suscipit posuere sem bibendum sed. Aliquam dapibus urna ut lectus blandit feugiat. Mauris fermentum diam nec turpis commodo fermentum. Nulla dictum odio nec leo ultrices facilisis. Fusce mollis sem sed augue cursus a pretium ante sagittis. Ut id lorem eget diam hendrerit egestas. Mauris at nibh diam, eleifend mollis lectus. Cras quis bibendum lacus. Sed condimentum, arcu sit amet posuere convallis, erat nulla aliquam sapien, cursus suscipit lacus tortor non leo. Aliquam ultricies, ipsum at hendrerit bibendum, mi nibh tristique nibh, vitae venenatis purus diam nec purus.
Praesent sit amet enim magna. Suspendisse viverra arcu vitae erat molestie commodo. Curabitur tristique rhoncus tincidunt. Ut a enim magna. Integer sapien diam, mattis id molestie viverra, commodo vel erat. Duis quis libero quis tortor lacinia bibendum. Aliquam nunc sem, condimentum bibendum molestie vel, tincidunt sit amet turpis. Nam aliquet, mi et varius ullamcorper, augue metus adipiscing velit, quis porttitor ante augue sit amet turpis. Integer a velit quam, vulputate auctor sapien. Nunc quis mi et nibh euismod interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris varius sodales rutrum. Donec posuere, est pulvinar varius ullamcorper, ligula arcu sagittis lectus, ac rutrum ligula ligula nec metus. Nulla ac massa vitae metus auctor accumsan a eu metus.
Quisque volutpat gravida volutpat
Vestibulum sagittis blandit diam, quis auctor turpis sodales eu. Nullam sapien nisl, adipiscing a convallis quis, ullamcorper et lacus. Morbi volutpat, leo ut pretium pellentesque, lacus diam auctor tellus, non pellentesque nulla libero at purus. Etiam sit amet neque nec risus aliquam sollicitudin. Praesent laoreet mauris et mi gravida pellentesque. Nullam lacinia tristique lacus eget pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque non bibendum nisi. Quisque lorem diam, venenatis at tincidunt et, rutrum id ligula. Nullam non nisl sed nunc hendrerit placerat. Phasellus eget massa elit. Fusce interdum magna accumsan lectus ornare laoreet.
Praesent ut turpis pulvinar lorem accumsan viverra. In molestie, purus non porttitor sagittis, nibh leo pellentesque enim, sit amet facilisis ligula orci a libero. Nullam tristique tortor in erat tempus convallis. Suspendisse ut nulla quis lacus sollicitudin vehicula. Cras semper, augue ac auctor sagittis, quam elit semper mauris, et mattis turpis enim nec leo. Proin consequat, lectus ut tempus porttitor, metus velit sollicitudin urna, vel aliquet est metus id orci. Pellentesque ipsum libero, sodales in accumsan vitae, elementum sed diam. Aliquam imperdiet vestibulum ligula vel euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Proin porta dui in elit faucibus at vulputate turpis ultrices. In feugiat purus a dolor egestas varius. Ut vitae tortor vel elit condimentum volutpat ut et metus. Vestibulum enim dolor, luctus et tempor vel, dignissim vitae magna. Praesent lorem nisl, condimentum a lacinia sed, auctor sed justo. Donec risus libero, laoreet et malesuada vitae, auctor eleifend metus. Fusce mi tortor, adipiscing ac commodo sed, euismod vel risus.
Quisque volutpat gravida volutpat. Morbi ac nunc arcu. Morbi gravida risus mauris, quis malesuada neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam a magna vel eros porta facilisis. Nulla dignissim mauris a sem vehicula consectetur. Praesent id congue nibh. In pharetra laoreet quam feugiat aliquam. Cras hendrerit eleifend felis nec lobortis. Ut lacus felis, posuere id imperdiet et, blandit id nunc.
Aenean placerat, libero ut sollicitudin rutrum, orci magna scelerisque ipsum, sed rhoncus tortor mi eu tortor. Proin nec dapibus magna. Fusce hendrerit mauris ac velit molestie nec convallis urna semper. Cras nisi nulla, aliquet sit amet malesuada vel, porta in nunc. Duis elit nisl, auctor sed euismod ac, molestie a nunc. Ut viverra hendrerit ultricies. Quisque quis libero magna, et pellentesque tellus. Nulla facilisi. Donec tristique elit nulla, sed mollis quam. Quisque eget lectus turpis. Maecenas congue consequat nibh, at mollis ante pellentesque eget. Suspendisse vitae est eu sem condimentum tincidunt vitae et augue.
In vel felis in lacus pharetra consequat. Nam adipiscing arcu in justo hendrerit fermentum. Integer velit metus, dictum id dapibus in, faucibus ut mauris. Aenean quis sapien felis. Vivamus sed velit augue. Donec lacinia diam id eros tempus id ultrices nisi rutrum. Sed fringilla suscipit enim, et vehicula augue aliquam eu. Nunc imperdiet, metus at lacinia vulputate, velit metus lobortis mauris, in tincidunt velit felis sed felis. Curabitur vel mollis lacus. Maecenas eu vehicula ante. Nulla vel tortor urna. Duis varius tristique blandit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque sed nunc non nisi fringilla ullamcorper.