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Mauris sed nisi urna. Maecenas eget tellus ac dolor ornare vehicula. Morbi laoreet feugiat vehicula. In sagittis enim non dolor porttitor a egestas neque aliquam. Donec et sem elit, ut condimentum mi. Etiam tortor turpis, ornare ut convallis id, hendrerit sit amet ante. Fusce quis velit nec neque tempor ornare. Sed dui mauris, rhoncus nec hendrerit sit amet, commodo non augue. Nullam volutpat iaculis lorem, quis pulvinar turpis tempor eget. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam semper, metus ac ultricies ultrices, neque urna aliquet sapien, sed placerat sem nunc vitae est.
Etiam a condimentum enim. Phasellus dui eros, cursus at sodales sit amet, pretium quis nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ac sapien nulla, eget accumsan enim. Suspendisse non nisi quis ante aliquet faucibus eget at quam. Maecenas lacinia suscipit tortor, a convallis nunc suscipit quis. Nam ornare sem ac ipsum pulvinar quis pellentesque elit posuere. Nam a odio nec ipsum molestie ultrices ut vel ante.
Nam in nisi arcu. Nunc porta pharetra fringilla. Phasellus vitae risus id lacus lobortis fringilla a ac orci. Nam aliquet molestie molestie. Sed vitae ipsum elit. Cras a nunc ac ligula blandit varius. Nam dapibus nulla sit amet ipsum elementum ut aliquet justo porttitor. Proin ultrices pulvinar rutrum. Morbi eget justo dui. Maecenas posuere justo condimentum lectus suscipit at facilisis metus auctor. Aliquam lobortis pellentesque lectus, ut iaculis enim molestie at. Integer et arcu et mauris tempor gravida in sit amet odio.
Proin volutpat consectetur erat, ut interdum nibh dictum in. Ut lacus odio, scelerisque eu mattis eu, bibendum vitae tortor. Suspendisse blandit, neque quis tristique ultricies, libero enim pellentesque nulla, eu sollicitudin odio mauris non leo. Phasellus cursus sagittis nisl, at pulvinar ipsum tempor dapibus. Morbi vulputate eleifend tortor condimentum vulputate. Sed justo dui, condimentum condimentum tristique a, vulputate id justo. Nulla mattis, tortor vitae varius dapibus, nulla sem lacinia sapien, ut congue orci massa vitae velit. Fusce sit amet lorem risus. Curabitur vitae sapien dolor.
Aenean semper dapibus augue, quis tristique neque tincidunt at. Morbi urna felis, pulvinar sit amet facilisis et, accumsan et urna. Morbi tincidunt, turpis ac euismod convallis, turpis ante feugiat nulla, ac ultricies elit enim id nibh. Curabitur elit nisi, tristique vitae vestibulum quis, blandit commodo magna. Integer urna tellus, mattis non fermentum non, congue eget ligula. Nam justo leo, ultricies sit amet placerat et, mattis et diam. Nullam consectetur lacus id arcu porttitor eget accumsan nulla consectetur. Curabitur condimentum, risus id imperdiet adipiscing, orci augue auctor lacus, volutpat lacinia libero tellus ac metus. Vivamus vulputate lacus vel mi rhoncus vulputate porttitor tellus imperdiet. Nullam porta eleifend dapibus. Mauris quis tempus urna. Phasellus massa felis, ullamcorper eget rhoncus ut, egestas sed est.
Wednesday 30TH November, 2011
STORY BY: G.B. Gibbah, Tema.
Mrs. Comfort Aniagyei, Managing Director of GhanaMade, a company that promotes and markets made in Ghana products, has called on government to enable them compete favorably with their foreign counterparts.
She said the cost of most imported products were comparably cheaper because of incentives producers receive from their respective governments.
Mrs. Aniagyei made the call here on Saturday during the launch of high quality Ghana rice named ‘Northern Star.’
Northern star, parboiled rice produced in the Northern Ghana has many excellent qualities.
Mrs. Aniagyei said there was the need to process more of our raw materials and consume more local products in other to spur the growth of the economy.
She said products in Ghana made are of high quality and have improved packages.
She said: “Any time a Ghanaian buys a foreign product and ignore its local alternative; he has made that coutry richer and created employment to the detriment of Ghana”.
Mrs. Aniagyei said GhanaMade has established 15 outlets in Tema, Accra, Ashaiman and Asamankese and was poised to expand to other areas so as to promote Ghanaian products and create more employment.
Mr. Joseph Gayin, a research scientist with the Food Research Institute, extolling the qualities of Northern Star, said it contained essential vitamins such as vitamin B, consist of whole grain, good flavoured, grains do not stick, translucent and recommended it for diabetic patients.
He, however, expressed concern that though rice could be grown in all the ten regions of the country only 30 percent of the rice consumed is produced locally.
“That is a clear indication that we provide market and employment for foreigners,” he said.
Prof. Lade Worsonu, a renowned surgeon, who was the guest speaker, in reference to a Ga proverb that says it is your favourite food that kills you, advised Ghanaian to let food be their only medicine.
In line with that, he urged Ghanaian to choose foods that were wholesome and healthy especially foods sold by Ghana Made shops.
Prof. Worsonu noted that unemployment was a disease, adding that GhanaMade by creating jobs for Ghanaians was helping with their wellness.
He said the management of GhanaMade consisted of a doctor and an accountant and by combining their resources they would ensure that products were healthy and affordable.
STORY BY: Nururdeen Salifu, Tamale
The University for Development Studies (UDS) and two other universities outside the country have entered into a partnership to support the work of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA).
The UDS, the University of Louisville (UofL) and the University of West Indies (UWI) will undertake joint research and feasibility studies on a number of development interventions challenges of the north.
Additionally, the UDS has the unique exposure and knowledge of the culture and living conditions in the Savannah areas. It also boast a rich experience in community entry, community mobilization and the sue of participatory rural appraisal techniques.
At a meeting in Tamale between the officials of SADA and representatives of the three universities, the Chief Executive Officer of SADA, Alhaji Gilbert Iddi, noted that the partnership among the three universities would focus on research in areas relevant to the mandate of SADA.
“They would conduct appraisals and feasibility studies on the project we intend to implement. They would also look into value-addition for a number of products,” he stated.
Alhaji Iddi mentioned that SADA intended to establish industrial villages, where various people involve in local industries such as the agro and smock industries could work together.
“These industrial villages would have a cluster of small and medium scale business. When they are together, it becomes easier for SADA and other partners to extend a hand of support to them,” he explained.
The Pro-Vice Chancellor of the UDS, Prof. David Miller, noted that many people were of the opinion that SADA has not started operations, simply because they had not seen any physical structures.
“SADA started working since the law was passed and we have been working hand in hand with it to bring into fruition a number of initiatives. For us, knowledge is not relevant until it is seen to be contributing to the advancement of our communities,” he noted.
The leader of the visiting team, which comprised staff of the UofL and UWI, Dr. Therisa Rajack-Talley, said the two foreign universities would do collaborative research and academic exchanges with the UDS in a number of areas.
These areas, she mentioned, included women and gender development, peace and Pan-African studies, mental health, pediatrics, nutrition and participatory development.
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Etiam congue tristique tellus, ac sodales dui consectetur ut. Donec dictum augue eget nulla malesuada eleifend. Sed at purus nisl, nec scelerisque sem. Pellentesque non risus eget purus fringilla consequat quis a quam. Sed dui elit, placerat ut consectetur suscipit, ornare in risus. Integer a neque magna, in tristique elit. Nullam et orci vel est bibendum laoreet eget ac est. Nam et neque eu ipsum pulvinar porta vel quis nisl.
, mi arcu tempor sapien, eu mollis justo metus eget neque. Sed porttitor, arcu bibendum placerat accumsan, ante augue pretium sem, nec placerat ante ligula at turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et nibh nisl, a facilisis dolor. Nulla facilisi. Quisque eu ultricies augue. Morbi tristique augue sit amet augue porttitor non cursus enim auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed augue arcu, convallis sit amet pulvinar ut, facilisis ac nulla. Proin erat erat, consequat mollis aliquam eget, ultrices nec orci.
Nulla elementum gravida aliquam. Sed urna neque, tincidunt id imperdiet sed, fermentum et mauris. Duis ante est, luctus at gravida eu, lobortis eu erat. Maecenas vestibulum volutpat mollis. Mauris vitae elit eu sapien consectetur mollis. Vestibulum eu felis et dui malesuada pellentesque et pharetra nulla. Nullam scelerisque lacus nec arcu pretium malesuada. Phasellus eu mi ut quam dapibus mattis sed sit amet leo. Cras ac gravida urna.
Proin volutpat consectetur erat, ut interdum nibh dictum in. Ut lacus odio, scelerisque eu mattis eu, bibendum vitae tortor. Suspendisse blandit, neque quis tristique ultricies, libero enim pellentesque nulla, eu sollicitudin odio mauris non leo. Phasellus cursus sagittis nisl, at pulvinar ipsum tempor dapibus. Morbi vulputate eleifend tortor condimentum vulputate. Sed justo dui, condimentum condimentum tristique a, vulputate id justo. Nulla mattis, tortor vitae varius dapibus, nulla sem lacinia sapien, ut congue orci massa vitae velit. Fusce sit amet lorem risus. Curabitur vitae sapien dolor.
Aenean semper dapibus augue, quis tristique neque tincidunt at. Morbi urna felis, pulvinar sit amet facilisis et, accumsan et urna. Morbi tincidunt, turpis ac euismod convallis, turpis ante feugiat nulla, ac ultricies elit enim id nibh. Curabitur elit nisi, tristique vitae vestibulum quis, blandit commodo magna. Integer urna tellus, mattis non fermentum non, congue eget ligula. Nam justo leo, ultricies sit amet placerat et, mattis et diam. Nullam consectetur lacus id arcu porttitor eget accumsan nulla consectetur. Curabitur condimentum, risus id imperdiet adipiscing, orci augue auctor lacus, volutpat lacinia libero tellus ac metus. Vivamus vulputate lacus vel mi rhoncus vulputate porttitor tellus imperdiet. Nullam porta eleifend dapibus. Mauris quis tempus urna. Phasellus massa felis, ullamcorper eget rhoncus ut, egestas sed est.
Donec condimentum condimentum sapien
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Suspendisse potenti. Donec eleifend massa ante, vel vehicula dolor. Maecenas et dui vitae metus semper porta quis adipiscing urna. Proin eu accumsan justo. Donec eget malesuada lectus. Sed cursus lacinia felis id vestibulum. Aliquam gravida lacinia elit, id posuere lectus congue et. Vivamus interdum pharetra tellus, nec rhoncus ante tempor eu. Curabitur sagittis facilisis egestas. Maecenas adipiscing ante molestie turpis varius venenatis sagittis eros pharetra. Nulla id lobortis enim. Suspendisse et erat dui, nec lacinia urna. Phasellus tempus sapien at mauris dapibus dignissim. Curabitur varius mi tempus elit fermentum eget dignissim eros sodales. Maecenas blandit rutrum consequat. Aliquam tincidunt accumsan elementum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ipsum diam, varius id mattis vel, mollis eget magna. Quisque mollis nulla vitae augue faucibus tincidunt. Vivamus dapibus, nisl sed accumsan tempor, erat orci semper nulla, nec ultrices enim orci a lacus. Proin in ipsum felis, id tempor orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam tellus nisl, consequat quis imperdiet a, auctor scelerisque tellus. Praesent sed risus dolor. Cras eu erat eleifend sapien consequat commodo nec a velit. Nulla dapibus volutpat volutpat.
Donec condimentum condimentum sapien, ac euismod purus auctor eu. Duis tortor ligula, tristique vel gravida sed, scelerisque eget orci. Phasellus felis purus, pharetra eu convallis vel, imperdiet at metus. Proin nisi velit, blandit ut lobortis nec, dapibus laoreet ante. Nunc ullamcorper nulla vel eros semper ornare lacinia tellus pharetra. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas condimentum justo et neque vehicula vestibulum. Ut sit amet erat ac nibh sodales commodo vel non leo. Maecenas non condimentum orci. Vestibulum tempus scelerisque ullamcorper.
Proin volutpat consectetur erat, ut interdum nibh dictum in. Ut lacus odio, scelerisque eu mattis eu, bibendum vitae tortor. Suspendisse blandit, neque quis tristique ultricies, libero enim pellentesque nulla, eu sollicitudin odio mauris non leo. Phasellus cursus sagittis nisl, at pulvinar ipsum tempor dapibus. Morbi vulputate eleifend tortor condimentum vulputate. Sed justo dui, condimentum condimentum tristique a, vulputate id justo. Nulla mattis, tortor vitae varius dapibus, nulla sem lacinia sapien, ut congue orci massa vitae velit. Fusce sit amet lorem risus. Curabitur vitae sapien dolor.
Aenean semper dapibus augue, quis tristique neque tincidunt at. Morbi urna felis, pulvinar sit amet facilisis et, accumsan et urna. Morbi tincidunt, turpis ac euismod convallis, turpis ante feugiat nulla, ac ultricies elit enim id nibh. Curabitur elit nisi, tristique vitae vestibulum quis, blandit commodo magna. Integer urna tellus, mattis non fermentum non, congue eget ligula. Nam justo leo, ultricies sit amet placerat et, mattis et diam. Nullam consectetur lacus id arcu porttitor eget accumsan nulla consectetur. Curabitur condimentum, risus id imperdiet adipiscing, orci augue auctor lacus, volutpat lacinia libero tellus ac metus. Vivamus vulputate lacus vel mi rhoncus vulputate porttitor tellus imperdiet. Nullam porta eleifend dapibus. Mauris quis tempus urna. Phasellus massa felis, ullamcorper eget rhoncus ut, egestas sed est.
Integer vestibulum accumsan consequa
Do your layouts deserve better than Lorem Ipsum? Apply as an art director and team up with the best copywriters at Jung von Matt:
Etiam tristique euismod mi, non commodo mauris varius at. In rhoncus sodales dolor sed imperdiet. Donec odio nulla, pretium sed pulvinar ac, tempor ut justo. Nunc consequat lectus non odio interdum cursus tincidunt quis mauris. Fusce diam lacus, pulvinar id mollis sit amet, dignissim vel nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sit amet vulputate nunc. Quisque et ligula nibh. Sed in eros quis sapien hendrerit convallis. Phasellus nec libero id nisl imperdiet accumsan.
Integer vestibulum accumsan consequat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent quis tellus mi, et euismod sem. Nulla eu elit sed ante commodo tempor. Mauris pharetra metus vitae risus fringilla ultricies. Donec tincidunt orci ac enim imperdiet ac egestas enim posuere. Aliquam a odio turpis. Integer eleifend luctus eros sit amet venenatis. In et ante pellentesque nisi semper porttitor sed at risus. Integer sit amet nulla non turpis porta lacinia sed ac mi. Mauris eget tortor velit, et tincidunt lacus. Suspendisse rutrum feugiat pellentesque. Aliquam sodales tellus at erat aliquam lobortis. Vivamus est ipsum, porttitor ornare porttitor in, bibendum quis nisi. Curabitur turpis sem, ultricies posuere aliquam tincidunt, aliquet non erat. Duis aliquet, sapien a ultrices consectetur, enim erat viverra erat, ac porta ipsum nunc non turpis.
Nunc ac interdum metus. Proin et est in dolor dictum hendrerit. Aenean ullamcorper mollis elit a gravida. In elementum magna sagittis mi malesuada cursus cursus metus venenatis. Nam eu dui metus, vitae lobortis metus. Nam et libero a dolor tristique volutpat. Vestibulum semper mi in nulla hendrerit lobortis. Proin condimentum nisl a nisi pulvinar imperdiet. Suspendisse tincidunt, tellus ut pulvinar dictum, est turpis aliquam elit, non sollicitudin elit libero at dolor. Sed sapien velit, tincidunt tristique pharetra suscipit, molestie sit amet neque. Nullam vehicula tortor vel lectus porta facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin volutpat consectetur erat, ut interdum nibh dictum in. Ut lacus odio, scelerisque eu mattis eu, bibendum vitae tortor. Suspendisse blandit, neque quis tristique ultricies, libero enim pellentesque nulla, eu sollicitudin odio mauris non leo. Phasellus cursus sagittis nisl, at pulvinar ipsum tempor dapibus. Morbi vulputate eleifend tortor condimentum vulputate. Sed justo dui, condimentum condimentum tristique a, vulputate id justo. Nulla mattis, tortor vitae varius dapibus, nulla sem lacinia sapien, ut congue orci massa vitae velit. Fusce sit amet lorem risus. Curabitur vitae sapien dolor.
Aenean semper dapibus augue, quis tristique neque tincidunt at. Morbi urna felis, pulvinar sit amet facilisis et, accumsan et urna. Morbi tincidunt, turpis ac euismod convallis, turpis ante feugiat nulla, ac ultricies elit enim id nibh. Curabitur elit nisi, tristique vitae vestibulum quis, blandit commodo magna. Integer urna tellus, mattis non fermentum non, congue eget ligula. Nam justo leo, ultricies sit amet placerat et, mattis et diam. Nullam consectetur lacus id arcu porttitor eget accumsan nulla consectetur. Curabitur condimentum, risus id imperdiet adipiscing, orci augue auctor lacus, volutpat lacinia libero tellus ac metus. Vivamus vulputate lacus vel mi rhoncus vulputate porttitor tellus imperdiet. Nullam porta eleifend dapibus. Mauris quis tempus urna. Phasellus massa felis, ullamcorper eget rhoncus ut, egestas sed est.
Felecia Kawe (pseudonym) was about 11 years of age when she died through shea nut picking. She did not die a natural cause as is the case in most traditional Ghanaian homes. Kawe died stragely on May 16, 2010 through snake bite in the bush where she had gone with friends at dawn to bring home shea nuts.
Her family of four depended on the shea nut for their daily living since their father died many years ago leaving the blind mother to bring up the three children alone.
Manyoro is a village of about 53 kilometres from Nanvrongo is the Upper East Region of Ghana where she lived. The death of Kawe sent great shivering throughout the village not only because of her death, but rather how the family was going to cope since she was the bread winner of the family.
Their dependence on the shea nut for their daily living occurs mostly at the peak of the shea season during the months of April-August. They did not only depend on it for only their breakfast but lunch and supper.
Her death illustrate a clear case of high risks associated with shea nut picking. Kawe’s tragic death is only one out of many who die during shea picking. Most of the shea nut pickers across the shea producing parts of the country do not have any protective clothing, Wellington boots, hand gloves and this exposes them to harmful creatures and the weather.
The conditions shea nut pickers go through before picking the nuts are too dangerous. The pickers have on countless occasions complained and appealed to the government and civil society and NGO’s to assist them with protective kits.
Some of their complaints include being bitten by snakes because they use their bare hands and sometimes bare feet to comb the bush in search of the nut.
Madam Abdulai Zuwera of the Tungteiya Shea Butter Extraction Women Association of Gushiegu told this writer that “It is out of the nut that we make our daily living and support our children in schools and if the business is left to collapse, where will our future be?”
Madam Zuwera said she would be grateful if members of the association were assisted with tricycles, hand gloves, Wellington boots and head lamps that would help improve their business tremendously and would reduce the risks associated with shea picking.
The shea tree is a wild crop scattered across parts of Africa and in Ghana. It could be found in large quantities in the three Northern regions with few also in some parts of the Volta and Brong Ahafo regions. Since it is not grown, there is currently no specific plantation in the country for the shea but pickers, mostly women, comb the bush to pick the nut. Such a practice results in a large proportion of the nuts being lost.
Shea is often referred to as “Life” especially in Dioula language in Burkina Faso and where it is also generally grown wild, with little need for any speial cultivation or nourishment. There are a few plantations of the crop in Burkina Faso. In Burkina Faso, it is called “women’s gold.”
Almost all parts of the tree have some practical use. The bark is an ingredient in traditional medicines against certain childhood ailments and minor bruises and cuts. The shell of the nuts can repel mosquitoes.
Above all, the fruity part of the nut, when crushed, yields a vegetable oil that could be used in cooking, soap-making and for skin and hair care. Harvesting the nuts and making the butter have traditionally been women’s work. Men usually are involved only in its transportation and marketing.
The cash crop shea is also valuable for the treatment of certain diseases by herbalists. It also offers employment for several individuals who take part in all of its value chain processes. According to the Vice President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama, more than 900,000 women in the three Northern regions, collect over 130,000 tonnes of dry nuts annually. The industry also benefits close to two million poor people, about 95 per cent of whom are rural households, though its full potential is yet to be exploited. The infant industry is an attractive business venture earning about 30 million dollars of foreign exchange for the national economy, Vice President Mahama estimated that the amount could triple when fully developed and it could also provide jobs for the youth, women and the aged.
The tree grows throughout the semi-arid Sahel region of West Africa, but the largest concentration is in Burkina Faso, where exports of shea butter and unprocessed shea kernels brought in CFA5 bn ($7mn) in 2000, making it the country’s third most important export, after cotton and livestock and is recently the leading producer of shea averaging 50,000Mt while Ghana follows second with production of 45,000MT per annum.
It was therefore heartwarming when Dr. Joshua Yidana, Head of the Horticultural Department of the University for Development Studies (UDS) told this writer that he had been experimenting with the shea tree through grafting propagation.
According to him, the method had proved that the shea tree, through grafting, could bear fruit in a gestation period of between three to six years. He said the research was a breakthrough and if successfully implemented could reduce the gestation period of the crop from 10-15 years to between three to six years and therefore increase production of its products.
The findings are intended to enable farmers and the government to grow the crop just as it is with cocoa.
DR. Yidana said the first ever grafting of the shea nut was successful in 2008 and that he was studying the grafting method at Zoonaaliyi near Nyakpala where about 1,200 grafted plants covering about a hectare of land was being observed. Dr. Yidana’s experiments just like any other academic work have generated heated debates in the academic circles particularly from the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) which expressed doubt about the findings.
According to them, they had been making several studies on the plant especially on its gestation period but were yet to come to such conclusions.
A lot of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) have shown interest in promoting shea butter production and marketing in Ghana and support had ranged from linkages to markets, assistance on obtaining technology and training in business skills.
Some of these NGO’s are Send Ghana, SNV, Oxfam, GTZ.
Strangely enough, some of these NGO’s which supposedly aims at protecting the interest of the poor and vulnerable in the shea industry turn to exploit them by setting up some shea processing centres where women pick and process the shea. The poor and vulnerable are usually cheated at the point of purchase as their products are bought cheaply by some of these NGO’s.
Another point of cheating is through the value chain as the companies in the shea industry make huge profits at the expense of the poor.
Some of the NGOs also give loans or credits to these vulnerable farmers in the shea sector with huge interest rates. It is however that the NGOs advocate the best for the shea industry but the interest of the vulnerable farmers must be paramount else they may be using the poor farmers to fight for their own interest. Some of the interventions of some NGOs must however be lauded.
It appears that the shea industry faces numerous challenges which are surmountable. Some other challenges the shea industry is faced with include uncontrolled pricing both locally and internationally, inadequate information of the crop due to limited research, bush burning, loss of shea tree through cutting the trees for charcoal and a host of other problems that needs to be addressed to pave way for more investment with great dividend for the shea industry.
The intervention will not only alleviate poverty through job creation but also contribute to meeting the Millennium Development Goal of reducing poverty as well as enhancing the socio-economic fortune of the country.
There seem to be hope for the shea industry with the ongoing implementation of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA).
STORY BY: Samuel Adadi Akapule
The current government is in the process of fulfilling its promise of implementing the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) as captured in its manifesto for the last election campaign, that if Ghanaians, especially those from the north it their mandate to rule, it will start the implementation of SADA.
The message went down well to convince people of the north and they voted massively for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to form the present government.
However, when the government came into power and had not implemented the SADA, many people from the northern parts of the country were becoming impatient and disillusioned. Civil society organization such as SEND Ghana and the Integrated Social Development Center (ISODEC) emerged vigorously with advocacy reminding the government of its promise to implement SADA.
At one of such advocacy forums organized by SEND Ghana in Bulgatanga in the Upper East Region. Participants advocated strongly that it was time the Bill, which was before parliament was passed into law to facilitate the implementation process.
When parliament in August 2010 passed the Bill into law and received the president’s signature in September 2010, it attracted a lot of commendation from the people, especially those of northern descent. Bodies from the northern parts of the country including the Northern Development Forum (NDF) paid great tribute to the government for the passage of the law.
Indeed, it must be recalled that before the passage of the Bill, there was public outcry about the delay in passing of the bill into law. Governments, as well as Members of Parliament were castigated verbally for the delay.
In fact, the government must be applauded for the move so far made to implement the SADA. Now that the law has been passed, what next? It should be pointed out that for the successful implementation of the SADA, there is the need for the government to take the bull by the horn by setting a sustainable source of funding for the programme.
It must be emphasized here that without a sustainable funding component, implementation of SADA would stall and this would have dire consequences on the NDC during Election 2012.
The funding should be donor driving else it will defeat the purpose of establishing SADA. At a forum a forum organized inn Bolgatanga by SEND Ghana; participants stressed the need for the government to set up a special tax system to attract sustainable funding for the implementation process.
It is very crucial for the government to consider the views expressed by the participants at the forum to ensure the successful implementation of SADA.
Other civil society organizations including NDF; ISODEC; Foundation for Grass Roots Initiatives in Africa have expressed similar views of establishing sustainable funding for the programme.
Again, the recruitment process into the programme should be based on competence, devoid of ethnicity, political and religious grounds. Dedication and honesty should also be important determination factors in the recruitment of staff processes.
Sight should not be lost of accountability and transparency during the implementation process. There is the need for civil society to organization to form civic coalition to periodically monitor the implementation processes of SADA and make recommendations when the need arises.
There is no doubt that if SADA is successfully implemented it will help to close the development gap that exist between the north and south.
In fact, the programme, which has multi-purpose functions including the construction of educational facilities, health, road; agriculture among other things, would in no doubt reduce poverty in the area and curb the current rural urban drift.
Let the government show more commitment to the implementation processes. A successful implementation of the programme would give it much credibility since it will go down well in the history books of Ghana for posterity to see that it was the only government that could turn out a feasible to bridge the north-south development gap.
The projects coverage areas in the three Northern Regions are the Northern, Upper East and Upper West and also the savannah areas of the Brong-Ahafo and parts of the Volta Region. It is expected that when the programme is given special attention, it would help to reduce poverty and facilitate adaptation to climatic changes and ecological transformation of northern Ghana.
It will create a circular road network that would connect the Upper West, Upper East and Northern Regions such that large fertile plains that lie in these regions, would be opened up for brisk farming and economic activities. It will help to improve the durable nature of the Navrongo-Tumu- Wa road, linking the Upper East and Upper West Regions.
The network of drainage canals that would be constructed to facilitate drip irrigation that would be owned by smallholder farmers would make it possible for the cultivation of cereals, fruits and vegetables all year round.
It would also bring strong linkage with Sahelian countries such as Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and northern cote d’Ivoire and this would open up a true regional market for goods and services, with northern Ghana as a competitive supply and industrial hub. It must be pointed out that the attempt at bridging the north and south development gap has been a long standing dream of many post-independent government of Ghana. There had been previous attempt – Northern Region Rural Integrated Project (NORRIP); Irrigation Company of Upper Region (ICOUR); Land Conservation and Small-Holder Rehabilitation Project (LACOSREP) and Farmer’s Services Company (FASCOM) – but all this failed to make the desired impact because of mismanagement. It is the hope of this writer that SADA would not go the way of its predecessors.
SATURDAY 8th Nov, 2008
By: Salifu Abdul-Rahaman
Parliament passed the Northern Development Fund Bill to provide a long term strategy for transforming and accelerating the development of the northern Ghana.
Dr, Anthony Akoto Osei, Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, moved for the passage of the bill and was seconded by Nii Daku Adu Mante (NPP-Korle Klottey), Chairman of the Finance Committee.
The components of the strategy include community-driven development actions, focusing on small-holder agriculture and off-farm investments to create opportunities for the poor.
The fund will also be used to implement strategic infrastructure in roads, energy and water resources, flood initiation, environmental renewal investments, as well as food, livelihood, security and peace initiatives.
The Finance’s Committee’s report on the bill noted that the slow growth in the northern sector had delayed and reduced Ghana’s attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and middle-income status.
He said it was necessary to create a “growth pole” linking northern Ghana and the neighboring Sahelian countries to contribute to overall national development.
It is recalled that the government’s budget and economic policy statement for this year had a provision for seed money of GH₵25 million for the establishment of a Northern Development Fund to address the development gap and help alleviate the chronic poverty in the area.
The report predicted that with the global climatic change, the frequency of drought and sporadic flood in the north would increase, adding that such persistent climatic change phenomenon was already affecting the re-charge of Ghana’s water bodies while causing destruction of lives and livelihood in most parts of the area.
The committee explained that the fund was not meant to be a substitute for existing and traditional government funding towards the three regions – Northern, Upper-East and Upper West regions.
As part of measures to comprehensively develop the area, Parliament approved a loan agreement between the government and a Brazilian bank for 500 million dollars to construct hydroelectric dams at Pwalugu and Juale in the Upper East and the Northern Regions respectively, to ensure sustainable energy supply.
The state is enjoined in the Directive Principles of State Policy under Article 36 (2) of the Constitution to take the necessary steps to establish a healthy economy through balanced development of all regions and improvement of conditions of life in the rural areas.
The imbalances in the developments between the rural and urban areas should be addressed to ensure balanced development, the report of the committee stressed.
It noted that in considering the bill the Minister of state, Dr. Akoto-Osei and Professor Gyan-Baffour, the Deputy Minister, the consultants on the fund project, as well as other stakeholders were consulted to make inputs.
Traditional authorities if the north were engage to review of the strategic proposal which aims at reducing poverty in the area to about 20 per cent within 15 years of the Bill, prior to the finalization.
In a related development, Parliament approved a loan agreement of 59.5 million dollars between Northern Ghana Groundnuts Limited and Helios Investment partners of United Kingdom, with the government as a guarantor to develop and promotes growing of groundnuts to international standard.