Agenda for a Meeting of the Northern Development Forum at the Residence of Dr. Hakeem Wemah in Accra on Sunday Dec. 23, 2007
1) Welcome by Dr. Wemah to his Residence.
2) Overview of the meeting between NDF and the Council of State members from the three Northern Regions.
3) Approval of draft memo for the Government of Ghana and date for its submission.
4) Suggesting dates for Programme of Fund Raising activities for the Northern Development Forum. – (Mr. Sulley Adams, Chairman of Finance and Fund Raising Committee).
5) Arrangements for getting relief items in Accra to the three Northern Regions. (Mr. Adam and Alhaji Chodi of GBC).
6) Up-date on the Secretariat.
7) Date for the first General meeting of the Forum in January 2008.
8) Getting the following ready before January 10, 2007
a) Minutes of the meeting with the Northern Caucus in Parliament(NCP)
b) Minutes of the meeting of NDF and the Council of State members from the North (COSN)
c) Letters of Appreciation to the COSN and NCP.